Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Football: the Problem. And the Solution?

I never thought I would read, in a series on "the new gender divide," in the New York Times, about how football is the cure-all to too many women and not enough men on campus.

I mean, I see the ads during the Superbowl. It's obvious who their audience is. But according to yesterday's latest installment in this really strange series on gender inbalance (read: not enough guys on campus), football is touted as the instant makeover to give a jolt of testosterone to any campus with a little too much woman power.

I hope, New York Times, that your next piece is a good-news feature on how awesome and amazing it is that, despite everything women have been through -- and let's not forget that in the 80s men accused women of taking a man's place on campus -- that women's dominance at some smaller campuses is really a huge accomplishment.

Maybe the next piece in the series will take place at a women's college -- there's a thought.


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