It's front-page news.The FDA finally approved a vaccine that will hopefully stamp out cervical cancer and HPV for good for those who get it. Who gets it is still kind of up in the air, since the vaccine is for people who will have S-E-X, and despite what religious fanatics would have you believe, basically means everyboy, and so should be required and covered by health insurers. The NY Times reports that the median age for sex these days is 15, so recommended age to get the vaccine will be for 12- or 13-year olds.
Unlike much medical research that is based on men, this is a successful vaccine that's been developed exculsively for girls, although it's hoped that it will be expanded to boys (it does take two to tango, or to give and get gential warts). I wonder how many vaccines are like that in the world. Any?
Well, it's about damn time. Cervical cancer is the second biggest killer of women around the world. The world! And the idea that there is any judgement, or that women who have cancer should be punished for getting it by not making the vaccine required like any other, is an outrageous and hateful stance and makes no sense for public health, the fight to end cancer or STDs.
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