Tuesday, June 27, 2006

And Baby Makes a Mess

Did anyone else see this on CNN this morning?

It was a teaser story for an in-depth Paula Zahn report about a woman, paralzyed from the neck down, who recently found love and got married. Good for her! But wait, that's not sick and exploitative, so of course, there's more: they decide to have a baby. The old-fashioned way. So doctors go along with this, and apparently the story tonight is all about her labor and childbirth (which from rather graphic footage looks natural). Even though the reporter does say that the chances of this happening on a regular basis are infinitesimal, given the small percent of women of child-bearing age who are paralyzed, this didn't seem to beg the question: why should I care?

Now the woman's health is -- shockingly -- bad. She has such high blood pressure she's unable to get out of bed, much less care for her child. Cautionary tale? Or story of perseverance? You can guess which angle the network picked.

Another viewpoint from Mother Jones on Breeder Reaction that asks if everyone has the right to have a baby? And if so, who is getting fertility help and who isn't?


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